Registration for the 2025 season is now OPEN. We are getting teams together, so we encourage you to get your registrations in as soon as possible to begin pre-season training. Last year was a record year of growth for both mixed and female teams, and we look forward to seeing you all again at Amour for Season 2025.
What does the registration fee cover?
Revesby Rovers is a not-for-profit organisation, run 100% by volunteers. All association fees, referee match fees, and jersey’s are included with your fees. New players will need to purchase shorts and socks from our club house. Other merchandise (hoodies, etc) are also available to purchase from the club house.
When does the competition start?
The season officially kicks off in early April. Depending on the coach allocated to your team, training usually commences in March. We will notify you of the details of the team you have been allocated to, and your coach/manager will communicate these details.
What night is training?
This is dependent on your coach, which he/she will communicate with you in March. However, training days are generally on Tuesdays, Wednesdays or Thursdays. Park lights are turned on from 6PM.
When and where are games held?
Mixed comps (U6-U11), and boys/men’s competitions are held on Saturday – usually with the younger ages starting first (as early as 8am). Girl’s only competitions are held on Sunday. We are part of the Bankstown competition (BDAFA), so the draw and location of your games is provided in advance, and held at one of the local parks in our district.
When does the season end?
For non-competitive teams (U6-U11) and for competitive teams (U12 and above) the season generally ends at the end of August. If you qualify for the finals series then your team will continue to play for a few more weeks.
What age group can my child play in?
Players are eligible to play in the age group to which they are turning during this calendar year. For example, if they turn 8 this year then they can play in the U8 group. Players can not play below their age group but they can play up to 2 age groups above their own.
Need further help?
Please email us at play@revesbyrovers.com.au.